The Shiatsu Guy Presents… The Podcast

**It’s LIVE!!! Launch date was the 1st of April 2016!!**


I’ve been a keen consumer of podcasts for some time now and have become inspired to start my own… So a new project for 2016 is to launch my very own Podcast!The Shiatsu Guy Presents podcast

It will be a health and wellbeing podcast with a slant towards the business side of being a therapist or health professional.  The plan is to share people’s personal journeys of how they found their path, what they’ve learned and where they’re going…

I already have a number of interviews lined up and have a growing list of people I would love to feature!

If you’d like to be featured please see the bottom of this post…

The plan is to launch on the First of March 2016 with a number of episodes recorded and ready to go!

So at the moment I’m busy getting everything set up at the backend, scheduling interviews, fine tuning my questions, getting to grips with the technology, the technique and the finer aspects of the concepts I want to explore.

My guests will generally be interviewed on an audio only Skype call unless they are local Londoners and want to do an in-person interview instead.

And I will also be including some shorter episodes where I explore a specific topic, give an over view or review of something that I use and value myself… I’ve got some ideas but working out what exactly will be part of the journey!


The Shiatsu Guy Presents - podcastFuture Podcast Guests…

This will be an audio only Podcast exploring the SuperStars of the Natural Health Field!

My guests will require basic equipment such as this headset and mic:

Or if they want to go really high quality, this bad boy:


A decent broadband connection is also essential…

If you’d like to be interviewed please outline what you do and pop an email over to

And if you’d just like to listen then please subscribe to updates from this blog so that you get sneak peaks in advance, find out first when we launch as well as getting regular updates!


I’m quite nervous pressing the publish button but here goes!