This is the first Mini-Episode or as Mr Tim Ferriss (my podcasting hero!) calls them, Inbetweenisode!
The intention was to produce a short (20-30 minute) bite-sized episode featuring me presenting some of my thoughts and ideas that I felt would be helpful or useful for my listeners…
In this case we’ve got around 50 minutes of me rambling… But I hope you find it interesting and/or useful… I tried to keep to a set of notes, so imagine how it could have gone without!
This is based around my experience of being involved with a spiritual community, the disillusionment that occurred when the teacher was de-throned (I must watch too much Game of Thrones!), and my journey out the other side…
In this, at times ranty, episode I share my experience of three ‘heart-centred’ techniques that have helped me on my journey and I believe would help any human-being on this earth!
I’ll put links to resources below so you can find them yourselves…
And I wanted to share a quote that made me laugh when I listened back to the recording
There were a lot of broken eggs in the omelette that Andrew made
Now you’ll have to listen to work out what the heck I’m on about! 😉
And as alwasy, you can download the podcast episode from iTunes and Stitcher Radio or play right here in the browser
If you enjoy the podcast please subscribe, share with your friends and colleagues and if you feel so inclined we’d really appreciate a review!
Links for the books I talked about in this episode:
The Untethered Soul by Michael A Singer
and The Surrender Experiment also by Michael A Singer
The Law of Forgiveness by Connie Domino
and The Law of Attraction (possibly no longer in print) by Connie Domino
Heartmath Institute – and
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Patreon is a bit like crowd funding for artistic projects, you can pledge as much or as little as you want, starting from as little as $1 per month or per episode and you can even decide to cap your contribution at a monthly max…
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