The Shiatsu Guy Presents… Saul Levitt – Mickel Therapy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and M.E.

Welcome to Episode Five of The Shiatsu Guy Presents… Podcast! With Saul Levitt of

the shiatsu guy podcast - saul levitt

In this episode Simon interviews Saul Levitt, about his journey through Chronic Fatigue to being energised and healthy, and in the process discovering Mickel Therapy. We look at the emotional aspects of Chronic Fatigue and what is actually going on, as well as the development of the Mickel Therapy technique to help other conditions that are notoriously difficult to treat.


You can download the podcast episode from iTunes and Stitcher Radio or play right here in the browser

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Links for the things we discussed in this episode:

When the Body Say’s No – Dr Gabor Mate





The Secret – Rhonda Byrne

Stem Cell Enhancer

Mickel Therapy Training

How to find or get in touch with Saul

Intuitive Health

Twitter: @i_health

+44 (0)7789 383 197


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