The Shiatsu Guy Presents… Marc Pell – Life after a Spiritual Guru and Spiritual Community

the shiatsu guy podcast - marc pellIn episode six of the Shiatsu Guy Presents… podcast I interview my friend Marc Pell about his experience of living in a Spiritual community for a number of years, in what was essentially a social and spiritual experiment attempting to create a new enlightened culture of connectedness and individuality.

The whole international community came tumbling down when the leader, Andrew Cohen, was deposed by his senior students when they took issue with the way he was conducting himself and running the community.

In this interview we delve into what the initial attraction was to becoming involved with a spiritual community, the benefits and drawbacks as well as where it all went wrong for Andrew Cohen and EnlightenNext

I hope that you enjoy this episode as much as I did. This is the first of several episodes in this area, with a part 2 from Marc coming up and another interview in the works for a different perspective on the situation…

You can download the podcast episode from iTunes and Stitcher Radio or play right here in the browser


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