In episode nine of the podcast, Simon your host, interviews Canadian shiatsu therapist, speaker at conferences and Shiatsu researcher, Leisa Bellmore.
Beginning with similar topics to other episodes, we explore how Leisa discovered Shiatsu and what attracted her in the first place.
We talk about the amazing clinic Leisa works from, self-care for musicians, her teaching and presentation work, as well as the research project she has been involved with.
We also have the inevitable discussion about the similarities and differences between Masunaga and Namikoshi styles of Shiatsu…
And as alwasy, you can download the podcast episode from iTunes and Stitcher Radio or play right here in the browser
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Links for the resources we talked about in this episode:
Gabriel García Márquez (UK) (US)
And my personal favourite book, One Hundred Years of Solitude
Antoine De Saint-Exupery (UK) (US)
And some of his most famour works:
Baraka film
Where you can find Leisa, her research and where she is presenting:
Hand self-Shiatsu for sleep problems in persons with chronic pain
Shiatsu Society Journal – Shiatsu and Insomnia (collected articles including contributions from other Shiatsu therapists)
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