The Shiatsu Guy Presents… Emerson Bastos – Family Constellations and Five Elements

Welcome to Episode Two of The Shiatsu Guy Presents… Podcast! With Emerson Bastos

the shiatsu guy podcast - emerson bastosIn this episode Simon interviews Emerson Bastos, a Shiatsu therapist and teacher, Family Constellations and Five Elements facilitator in a wide ranging exploration. Including Emerson’s path to finding Shiatsu, how he began teaching, his own journey with Personal Development and a look to the future with his current projects of working to free the Self…

You can download the podcast episode fromiTunes and Stitcher Radio or play right here in the browser


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Links for the books we discussed in this episode:

The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts




Loves own Truths by Bert Hellinger



and Love’s Hidden Symmetry by Bert Hellinger



Even if it costs me my life by Stephan Hausner





How to find or get in touch with Emerson:

5 Elements Constellation Workshops on

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